Good Tech for Good Jobs:
Strategies for Building Worker Power in the Age of AI
December 16-17, 2024 | UC San Diego Park & Market
As our border region navigates the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, it is imperative that we prioritize the voices and perspectives of workers. The UCSD San Diego Labor Center invites labor activists, technologists, policymakers, and tech activists to our upcoming conference, "Good Tech for Good Jobs: Strategies for Building Worker Power in the Age of AI."
This is a two-day event about building power in San Diego and Imperial Counties. We will explore how we can harness technology to empower workers and promote equitable labor practices. We will have a mix of panels, keynotes, and workshops, along with time for socializing. Our goal is to build worker power over AI in the border region through convening, learning, and relationship building.
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Program Schedule
Day 1: December 16
9am: Check in
9:30am: Welcome
10am: Plenary: AI and Robotics: Hype, Reality, and History
- Moderator: Alex Hanna, Distributed AI Research Institute
- Lilly Irani, UC San Diego Communication & Computer Science
- Magally Miranda Alcazar, Pomona College
- Laurel Riek, UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute
11:30am: Workshop Sessions 1
- Interactive: The Luddite Lab: Exploring Worker Resistance to AI and Automation
with Alex Hanna (Distributed AI Research Institute) and Sophie Song (Independent)
- Foundations: Challenging Worker Datafication: Making Connections Between Data, Power, and Worker Rights
with Alexandra Mateescu (Data & Society)
- Case study: AI's Big Squeeze: How AI-driven “Acute Care at Home” Schemes are Pushing the ‘Sandwich Generation’ to the Breaking Point
with Michael Kennedy (California Nurses Association / National Nurses United)
- Digital Security for Workplace Organizers: Tips and Tricks to Keep You and your Coworkers Safe (Part 1 of 2)
with Bill Budington and Thorin Klosowski (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Note this workshop is 3 hours and Part 2 requires Part 1.
1pm: Lunch and Plenary Panel: Organizing to Win
- Moderator: Satomi Rash-Zeigler, UC San Diego Labor Center
- Anthony Soniga, President, International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 29
- Ben Begleiter, Deputy Director of Research for UNITE HERE
- Chris Nielsen, Director of Education, National Nurses United
- David Selder, Resident Officer, National Labor Relations Board San Diego
- Eric Banks, Chair, California Public Employee Relations Board
2:30pm: Workshop Sessions 2
- Organizing tools: Building Movement Power at the Convergence of Tech, Work, and Migrant Rights with Popular Education, Base-Building, and Comprehensive Campaigns
with Minsu Longiaru and Vincent Acuña (Powerswitch Action), Sheheryar Kaoosji (Warehouse Worker Resource Center), and Pedro Rios (American Friends Service Committee)
- Tactics: Negotiating the Technological Landscape:
Collective Bargaining Strategies in the Age of AI
with Lisa Kresge, Kung Feng, and Mishal Khan (UC Berkeley Labor Center)
- Tactics: Auditing AI in Policy and Organizing for Discrimination, Bias, and Other Systemic Harms
with Stuart Geiger (UCSD Communication & Data Science)
- Digital Security for Workplace Organizers: Tips and Tricks to Keep You and your Coworkers Safe Part II (Part 2 of 2)
with Bill Budington and Thorin Klosowski (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Note this workshop is 3 hours and Part 2 requires Part 1.
4pm: Day one wrap up
4:30pm: Bar (non-hosted) at Digital Gym
6pm: Evening Reception 🎉 and Keynote featuring investigative comedian Adam Conover (SAG-AFTRA, WGA)
Day 2: December 17
9:00am: Welcome
10am: Unconference and Caucusing sessions
11:30am: Regional Survey: How do workers feel about AI?
Noon: Lunch and closing